Sports are a part of life for many and injuries during sports come with the territory. Any kind of injury does have the potential to keep you off course for a while, but the sooner they are treated, the quicker you have the chance to get back to the field. The comprehensive orthopedic team at Gayatri Hospitals is well equipped to handle sports injuries with extreme caution and care to enable not just recovery but a quick one with very less downtime. Also, the techniques used are the latest medical innovations combined with surgical expertise to make sure you don’t miss your game. With physiotherapy and diet tips and lifestyle tricks, enabling your movement in the best way possible is the goal. Make an appointment with the best orthopedic doctor in Ongole at sports injury Hospital for the best sports medicine in Ongole.

Some of the common orthopedic sports injuries witnessed are:

Concussions: Blackouts are brain injuries brought about by an immediate or aberrant hit to the head or neck. A great many athletes endure blackouts every year making it quite possibly the most common sports injury.

Bone fracture & stress fracture: Bone breaks and stress cracks happen because of an immediate injury or ceaseless stress over a course of time. Today, almost 50% of all stress cracks influence the lower leg.

Dislocations: Unexpected pivots or direct impact on a joint might bring about a dislocation. This injury is regularly painful and will require quick clinical consideration.

Knee and ankle injuries: Impacts, speedy turns, or hunching down movements during activity can prompt cartilage harm, tendon tears, and ligament cracks. We work in a scope of choices to treat ACL wounds, runner’s knee, meniscus tears, and other normal game wounds.

Elbow and shoulder injuries: Regardless of whether it's baseball, volleyball, or tennis, throwing wounds and elbow injuries are always to be seen. We have numerous surgical and nonsurgical treatment choices for some common shoulder and elbow wounds going from golfer’s elbow to rotator cuff tears.

Hamstring Injury: Hamstring wounds frequently happen with running or working out. Hamstrings, which are the muscle toward the rear of the thigh, can get extended excessively far or get exhausted. Now and again, the muscle might tear. The ligaments connected to your hamstrings may likewise stretch or tear. If you have a hamstring injury, you would have felt an abrupt aggravation toward the rear of your thigh. Certain individuals feel a "pop". It can likewise irritate or swell toward the rear of the thigh.

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