
My grandfather, 60yrs was having too much knee pain. We met many doctors but no solution. We heard of dr. Harsha Vardhan and met him. Sir explained the issue and suggested joint replacement. Surgery, recovery everything was handled very nicely by dr.Harsha. Now my grandfather can do activities normally. Thank you so much, doctor.

Rama Rao V

I was suffering from osteoarthritis for 10 yrs. Very painful to climb stairs. I visited dr. Harsha very patiently explained the problem to me and my wife. Sir gave me proper medication and told exercise and which diet to follow. Now my pain is very manageable. Very nice doctor.


Dr. Prathyusha reddy properly diagnosed the reason behind my sudden allergies. I was suffering for many years and did not know what was causing it. Now, with the medicines and precautions, very rarely I am having an allergy.


Suddenly my father was having too much cough and wheezing. We met dr. Prathyusha and mam took time to understand his lifestyle and detected that the problem is due to smoke in the factory he works. We were scared that he has to leave his job, but doctor garu explained how to manage and helped with the entire treatment. His condition is much better now.

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